Diploma In Midwifery Extension
Updated Curriculum
- DME 111: Midwifery I and Obstetric Anatomy
Midwifery I
Topic: Introduction to Midwifery
Sub Topic: Terminologies
Sub Topic: Normal pregnancy
Sub Topic: Antenatal care
Sub Topic: Health education during Antenatal
Sub Topic: Labour
Sub Topic: Normal first stage of labour
Sub Topic: Normal second stage of labour.
Sub Topic: Normal third stage of labour
Sub Topic: Normal Puerperium
Sub Topic: Domiciliary Care
Obstetric Anatomy
Topic: Obstetric anatomy and Physiology
Sub Topic:
Sub Topic: Terminologies
Sub Topic: Female Pelvis
Sub Topic: Varieties of Pelvis
Sub Topic: Pelvic assessment
Sub Topic: Vulva
Sub Topic: Pelvic floor muscles
Sub Topic: Vagina
Sub Topic: Cervix
Sub Topic: Uterus
Sub Topic: Uterine tubes
Sub Topic: Ovaries
Sub Topic: Breast
Sub Topic: Gametogenesis
Sub Topic: Menstruation Cycle
Sub Topic: Fertilization
Sub Topic: Embryology
Sub Topic: Placenta at term
- Fetal sac
- Amniotic fluid
- Umbilical cord
- Vernix caseosa
- Varieties of the placenta
Sub Topic: Fetal circulation
Sub Topic: Fetal skull , Internal structures and Fetal scalp
Sub Topic: Moulding
Sub Topic: Significance of female urinary system in obstetrics
- Gynaecology and Reproductive Health
Sub Topic: Structural abnormalities of the female genital tract
Sub Topic: Menstruation disorders
Sub Topic: Dysfunctional uterine bleeding
Sub Topic: Menopause
Sub Topic: Abortions
Sub Topic: Ectopic Pregnancy
Sub Topic: Hydatidiform mole
Sub Topic: Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases
Sub Topic: Fibroids
Sub Topic: Vesico-Vaginal Fistula(VVF) and Recto-Vaginal fistula
Sub Topic: Genital cancers (Cervix, Uterus, and Ovaries)
Sub Topic: Breast cancer
Sub Topic: Uterine prolapse
Sub Topic: Genital prolapse ( Rectocele and Cystocele)
Sub Topic: Infertility
Reproductive Health
Subtopic: Introduction to Reproductive Health
Sub Topic: Family planning (Artificial and Hormonal)
Sub Topic: Safe motherhood
Subtopic: High Risk Pregnancies in Safe Motherhood
Subtopic: Obstetrical and Pediatric Emergencies in Safe Motherhood
Subtopic: Delays in Safe Motherhood, Mortality and Preconception Care
Subtopic: Antenatal Care in RH
Sub Topic: Post abortion care and Manual Vacuum Aspiration
Sub Topic: Sexually transmitted infections
Sub Topic: Syndromic treatment of STIs
Sub Topic: Gender/sexual based violence
Sub Topic: Domestic violence
Sub Topic: Male involvement in RH
Sub Topic: Integration of RH services
Sub Topic: Adolescent reproductive health
- Mental Health and Pharmacology
Mental Health
Sub Topic: Concepts of mental health and mental illness
Sub Topic: Classification of mental illnesses
Sub Topic: Etiological factors of mental illness
Sub Topic: General signs and symptoms of mental illnesses
Sub Topic: Assessment of the mentally ill
Sub Topic: Therapeutic modalities in psychiatry
Sub Topic: Substance/alcohol abuse
Sub Topic: Psychopharmacology / physical treatment
Sub Topic: Psychological therapies
Sub Topic: Psychiatric disorders related to maternal and child health
Sub Topic: Psychiatric emergencies
Sub Topic: Acute conversional dissociative disorders
Sub Topic: Terms used in Pharmacology
Sub Topic: Sources and preparation of Medicines
Sub Topic: Application of Pharmacology to Nursing and
patient education
Sub Topic: Legal aspects and national policies
Sub Topic: Concepts of Essential Drugs and Rational Medicine use.
Sub Topic: Classification of Medicines & Schedule of
controlled substances
Sub Topic: Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamics
Sub Topic: Prescriptions
Sub Topic: Drug administration
Sub Topic: Medicines used in midwifery
Sub Topic: Medicines used in pediatrics.
Sub Topic: Specific anti-microbial agents
Sub Topic: Medicines acting on specific body systems
Sub Topic: Other therapeutics
- Community Health and Tropical Medicine
Community Health
Sub Topic: Introduction to Primary health care
Sub Topic: Concepts of Primary Health Care
Sub Topic: Principles, Pillars and components/ elements of
Primary Health Care
Sub Topic: Introduction to community based health care
Sub Topic: Community participation
Sub Topic: Community organization
Sub Topic: Community Mobilization
Sub Topic: Community empowerment
Sub Topic: Community entry
Sub Topic: Carry out community survey and assessment
Sub Topic: Carry out Home visiting
Sub Topic: Disease surveillance
Sub Topic: School health
Tropical Medicine
Topic: Tropical Diseases/communicable diseases
Sub Topic: Introduction to communicable diseases
Sub Topic: Diseases transmission cycle
Sub Topic: Epidemiology of diseases
Sub Topic: Gastroenteritis
Sub Topic: Measles
Sub Topic: Malaria
Sub Topic: Tuberculosis
Sub Topic: Leprosy
Sub Topic: Trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness)
Sub Topic: Helminthic diseases (Intestinal worms)
Sub Topic: Onchocerciasis (River blindness)
Sub Topic: Schistosomiasis
Sub Topic: Elephantiasis (Bancroftian Filariasis)
Sub Topic: Dracunculosis (Guinea worm)
Sub Topic: Typhoid Fever
Sub Topic: Dysentery
Sub Topic: Cholera
Sub Topic: Brucellosis
Sub Topic: Ebola
Sub Topic: Yellow Fever
Sub Topic: Mumps (Parotiditis)
Sub Topic: Chicken Pox
Sub Topic: Rabies
Sub Topic: Hemorrhagic fevers
Sub Topic: SARS, Anthrax, Hepatitis
Sub Topic: Tetanus
- DME 121: Midwifery II
Topic: Abnormal pregnancy
Sub Topic: Medical disorders during pregnancy
- Anaemia during pregnancy
- Sickle cell Anaemia
- Renal diseases
- Essential Hypertension
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Asthma
- Epilepsy
Sub Topic: Infections
- Malaria
- Tuberculosis
- Urinary Tract Infections
- Respiratory Tract Infections
Sub Topic: Hyperemesis gravidarum
Sub Topic:Disorders of Amniotic fluid
Sub Topic: Multiple Pregnancy
Sub Topic: Intra uterine growth retardation
Sub Topic: Intra uterine fetal death
Sub Topic: Prolonged pregnancy and Post maturity
Sub Topic: Rhesus Incompatibility
Abnormal labour
Sub Topic: Antepartum Heamorrhage
Sub Topic: Pre- Eclampsia and Eclampsia (Preganancy Induced
Sub Topic: Cord Presentation and Cord Prolapse
Sub Topic: Malpresentations
- Breech
- Compound
- Brow
- Shoulder
- Face
- Unstable lie
Sub Topic: Malposition
Sub Topic: Abnormal Uterine Action
Sub Topic: Trial of labour
Sub Topic: Fetal distress
Sub Topic: Maternal distress
Sub Topic: Cephalo Pelvic Disproportion
Sub Topic: Obstetric Operations ( Caesarian section, Forceps, Vacuum extraction, Symphysiotomy, Destructive Operations)
- Applied Research and Teaching Methodology
Applied Research
Topic: Introduction to nursing research
Subtopic: Introduction to research
Subtopic: Terminologies
Subtopic: Research Ethics
Subtopic: Purpose of studying research
Subtopic: Research techniques (Qualitative, quantitative and their
Topic: Writing a research proposal and report
Subtopic: Steps in Research Process
Subtopic: Formulation of research topics
Subtopic: Writing a research proposal
Subtopic: Preliminary Pages
Subtopic: Chapter One: Introduction
Subtopic: Chapter Two: Literature review
Subtopic: Chapter Three: Methodology
- Research Designs/Study Design
- Study Population & Sampling
- Sample Size Determination
- Research Instruments and Research Methods
Subtopic: References/Referencing
Subtopic: Appendices & Consent Form
Subtopic: Chapter Four: Results
Subtopic: Chapter Five: Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendations
Subtopic : Research report
Teaching Methodology
Topic: Introduction to teaching methodology and Concept of education
- Paediatric Nursing and Palliative care Nursing
Paediatric Nursing I
Sub Topic: Introduction to Paediatrics
Sub Topic: Terminologies
Sub Topic: Physiology of the new born
Sub Topic: Immediate and routine care of the newborn
Sub Topic: Characteristic features of a newborn
Sub Topic: Routine care of the new born
Sub Topic: Examination of the new born
Sub Topic: Minor disorders of the new born
Sub Topic: Child growth and development
Sub Topic: Immunization schedule
Sub Topic: Cold Chain
Sub Topic: Breastfeeding and Weaning
Sub Topic: Asphyxia neonatorum
Sub Topic: Low birth weight babies (Prematurity, Dysmature and Post mature)
Sub Topic: Large (Big) for dates
Sub Topic: Birth Injuries
Palliative care
Sub Topic: Principles of palliative care
Sub Topic: Importance of Palliative care
Sub Topic: Roles of palliative care
Sub Topic: Attributes of palliative care
Sub Topic: Communication/ Preparation of the family to make important decisions
Sub Topic: Concepts of hospice and palliative care
Sub Topic: Pain management in palliative care
Sub Topic: Palliative care emergencies
Sub Topic: Management of common symptoms in Palliative care
Sub Topic: Symptoms of terminally ill patients
Sub Topic: Ethics of at the end of life and legal issues
Sub Topic: Terminal care
Sub Topic: Psychosocial support to terminally ill patients
- Disaster Management, Occupational Health and Safety
Disaster Management
Topic: Disaster
Sub Topic: Natural disaster.
Sub Topic: Man made disaster.
Topic: Disaster management.
Sub Topic: Roles played by each stakeholder as far as
preparedness, response and recovery
and mitigation are concerned
Sub Topic: The stages of disaster management.
Sub Topic: Requirements for disaster preparedness.
Topic: Disaster prevention
Sub Topic: Natural prevention
Sub Topic: Artificial prevention
Occupational Health and Safety
Sub Topic: Introduction to occupational health hazards
Sub Topic: Types of occupational health hazards
Sub Topic: Occupational health hazards in different work
Sub Topic: Work related injuries and Fatalities
Sub Topic: Prevention and control of occupational health hazards in work places
Sub Topic: Psychosocial aspects of work: Job stress and
associated conditions
Sub Topic: Healthcare waste management
Sub Topic: Injection safety methods
Sub Topic: Workers compensation Act
- DME 211: Midwifery III
Sub Topic: Obstructed labour
Sub Topic: Ruptured uterus
Sub Topic: Post Partum Heamorrhage
Sub Topic: Intra Partum Heamorrhage
Sub Topic: Acute Inversion of the Uterus
Sub Topic: Obstetrical Shock
Sub Topic: Thrombo Embolic disorders (superficial vein thrombosis, Deep vein thrombosis, Amniotic Fluid Embolism, HELLP Syndrome, Pulmonary Embolism, DIC )
Sub Topic: Vulval Heamatoma
Abnormal Puerperium
Sub Topic: Breast Complications
Sub Topic: Urinary Complications
Sub Topic: Puerperal Pyrexia
Sub Topic: Puerperal Sepsis
Sub Topic: Psychological disorders
Sub Topic: Heamorragic disease of the new born
Sub Topic: Anaemia
Sub Topic: Convulsions in the new Born
Sub Topic: Congenital abnormalities (GIT, genito urinary, cardiovascular, CNS, musculo – skeletal)
Sub Topic: Neonatal infections
Sub Topic: Ophthalmia Neonatorum
Sub Topic: Pemphigus Neonatorum
Sub Topic: Oral candidiasis
Sub Topic: Septicaemia
Sub Topic: Meningitis
Sub Topic: Tetanus
Sub Topic: Paronychia
Sub Topic: Urinary tract infection
Sub Topic: Pneumonia
Sub Topic: Gastro enteritis
Sub Topic: Malaria
Sub Topic: Neonatal Jaundice
Sub Topic: Nutrition
Sub Topic: Assessment of nutritional status of children
Sub Topic: Nutritional disorders in children
Sub Topic: IMCI
- Health Services Management & Entrepreneurship
Health Services Management
Sub Topic: Concepts used in Health Service Management
Sub Topic: Uganda Health Sector
Sub Topic: Principles of Management
Sub Topic: Basics of Health economics
Sub Topic: Principles of Health Service Management
Sub Topic: Human Resource Management
- Staffing and Staff development
- Delegation
- Staff Motivation
- Appraisal
- Team Building
- Conflict resolution
- Interpersonal Relationships
- Disciplinary Standards and decisions
- Quality Control Measures
- Meetings
- Records
Sub Topic: Leadership in Healthcare delivery
Sub Topic: Management roles in a health facility
Sub Topic: Decision-making and critical thinking
Sub Topic: Communication in health care
Sub Topic: Customer care
Sub Topic: Public relations in health service delivery
Sub Topic: Management of health facility resources
Sub Topic: Financial Management
- Budgeting
- Accountability
- Finance Records
- Management of Petty cash
- Sources of Funding
Sub Topic: Management of Assets, Equipment and Supplies
- Inventory and Stock control
- Requisition Procedures
- Procurement
- Rational use of supplies
- Health centre asset maintenance
- Ground maintenance
Sub Topic: Health Information management System
- Concept of HIMS
- Types of HIMS records
- Procedures in maintaining HIMS
Sub Topic: Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Sub Topic: Foundations of Entrepreneurship
Sub Topic: Entrepreneurship skills
Sub Topic: Setting up of a business ( market survey, costing, taxation, customer care, Branding, marketing, quality service delivery)
Sub Topic: Process of Entrepreneurship development
Sub Topic: Business Plan
Sub Topic: Business opportunities
Sub Topic: Entrepreneurship resources
Sub Topic: Entrepreneurship and social responsibility
Sub Topic: Success and Failure
Sub Topic: Business sustainability and growth
Sub Topic: Monitoring and Evaluating a business