Diploma In Midwifery Extension


Sub Topic: Structural abnormalities of the female genital tract
Sub Topic: Menstruation disorders

Sub Topic: Dysfunctional uterine bleeding
Sub Topic: Menopause
Sub Topic: Abortions

Sub Topic: Ectopic Pregnancy
Sub Topic: Hydatidiform mole
Sub Topic: Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases
Sub Topic: Fibroids
Sub Topic: Vesico-Vaginal Fistula(VVF) and Recto-Vaginal fistula
Sub Topic: Genital cancers (Cervix, Uterus, and Ovaries)
Sub Topic: Breast cancer
Sub Topic: Uterine prolapse
Sub Topic: Genital prolapse ( Rectocele and Cystocele)
Sub Topic: Infertility

Reproductive Health

Subtopic: Introduction to Reproductive Health

Family planning

Subtopic : Family planning methods and their mode of action

SubtopicFamily Planning Counseling

Sub Topic: Safe motherhood
Subtopic: High Risk Pregnancies in Safe Motherhood
Subtopic: Obstetrical and Pediatric Emergencies in Safe Motherhood
Subtopic: Delays in Safe Motherhood, Mortality and Preconception Care
Subtopic: Antenatal Care in RH
Sub Topic: Post abortion care and Manual Vacuum Aspiration

SubtopicIntroduction to STI’s

SubtopicSyndromic management of STI

Sub Topic: Gender/sexual based violence
Sub Topic: Domestic violence
Sub Topic: Male involvement in RH
Sub Topic: Integration of RH services

Adolescent reproductive health

Subtopic:  Introduction to Reproductive Health
Subtopic:  Integration of Reproductive Health Services
SubtopicAdolescent Reproductive Health and Development
SubtopicAdolescent friendly health services
SubtopicAdolescent Sexuality
SubtopicVulnerable groups
SubtopicCommunity involvement in adolescent reproductive health

Mental Health

Sub Topic: Concepts of mental health and mental illness
Sub TopicClassification of mental illnesses
Sub TopicEtiological factors of mental illness
Sub TopicGeneral signs and symptoms of mental illnesses
Sub TopicAssessment of the mentally ill
Sub TopicTherapeutic modalities in psychiatry
Sub Topic: Psychological therapies
Topic: Psychopharmacology / physical treatment

Sub Topic: Substance Abuse/alcohol abuse
Sub TopicPsychiatric disorders related to maternal and child health
Topic: Psychiatric emergencies

Sub TopicAcute conversional dissociative disorders


Sub TopicTerms used in Pharmacology
Sub TopicSources and preparation of Medicines
Sub Topic: Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamics
Sub TopicApplication of Pharmacology to Nursing and
patient education
Sub TopicLegal aspects and national policies
Sub TopicConcepts of Essential Drugs and Rational Medicine use.
Sub Topic: Classification of Medicines & Schedule of controlled substances
Sub TopicPrescriptions
Sub TopicDrug administration
Sub TopicMedicines used in midwifery
Sub Topic: Medicines used in pediatrics.
Sub TopicSpecific anti-microbial agents
Sub TopicMedicines acting on specific body systems

Sub Topic: Other therapeutics(Cancer drugs, Anesthesia drugs, Vaccines and Immunoglobulins)

Topic: Abnormal pregnancy

Sub Topic: Medical disorders during pregnancy

 Sub Topic: Infections

Sub Topic: Hyperemesis gravidarum
Sub Topic:Disorders of Amniotic fluid
Sub Topic: Multiple Pregnancy
Sub Topic: Intra uterine growth retardation
Sub Topic: Intra uterine fetal death
Sub Topic: Prolonged pregnancy and Post maturity
Sub Topic: Rhesus Incompatibility
Abnormal labour
Sub Topic: Antepartum Heamorrhage
Sub Topic: Pre- Eclampsia and Eclampsia (Preganancy Induced
Sub Topic: Cord Presentation and Cord Prolapse
Sub Topic: Malpresentations

  • Breech
  • Compound
  • Brow
  • Shoulder
  • Face
  • Unstable lie

Sub Topic: Malposition
Sub Topic: Abnormal Uterine Action
Sub Topic: Trial of labour
Sub Topic: Fetal distress
Sub Topic: Maternal distress
Sub Topic: Cephalo Pelvic Disproportion
Sub Topic: Obstetric Operations ( Caesarian section, Forceps, Vacuum extraction, Symphysiotomy, Destructive Operations)

Applied Research

Topic: Introduction to nursing research

Subtopic: Introduction to research
Subtopic: Terminologies
Subtopic: Research Ethics
Subtopic: Purpose of studying research
Subtopic: Research techniques (Qualitative, quantitative and their

Topic: Writing a research proposal and report

Subtopic: Steps in Research Process
Subtopic: Formulation of research topics
Subtopic: Writing a research proposal
Subtopic: Preliminary Pages
Subtopic: Chapter One: Introduction
Subtopic: Chapter Two: Literature review
Subtopic: Chapter Three: Methodology

Subtopic: References/Referencing
Subtopic: Appendices & Consent Form
Subtopic: Chapter Four: Results
Subtopic: Chapter Five: Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendations
Subtopic : Research report

Teaching Methodology

Topic: Introduction to teaching methodology and Concept of education

Click here for full Methodology Curriculum.

Paediatric Nursing I

Sub Topic: Introduction to Paediatrics
Sub Topic: Terminologies
Sub Topic: Physiology of the new born
Sub Topic: Immediate and routine care of the newborn
Sub Topic: Characteristic features of a newborn
Sub Topic: Routine care of the new born
Sub Topic: Examination of the new born
Sub Topic: Minor disorders of the new born
Sub Topic: Child growth and development
Sub Topic: Immunization schedule
Sub Topic: Cold Chain
Sub Topic: Breastfeeding and Weaning
Sub Topic: Asphyxia neonatorum
Sub Topic: Low birth weight babies (Prematurity, Dysmature and Post mature)
Sub Topic: Large (Big) for dates
Sub Topic: Birth Injuries

Palliative care

Sub Topic: Principles of palliative care
Sub TopicImportance of Palliative care
Sub TopicRoles of palliative care
Sub TopicAttributes of palliative care
Sub Topic: Communication/ Preparation of the family to make important decisions
Sub TopicConcepts of hospice and palliative care
Sub Topic: Pain management in palliative care
Sub TopicPalliative care emergencies
Sub TopicManagement of common symptoms in Palliative care
Sub TopicSymptoms of terminally ill patients
Sub TopicEthics of at the end of life and legal issues
Sub TopicTerminal care
Sub TopicPsychosocial support to terminally ill patients

Midwifery III

Sub Topic: Obstructed labour
Sub Topic: Ruptured uterus
Sub Topic: Post Partum Heamorrhage
Sub Topic: Intra Partum Heamorrhage
Sub Topic: Acute Inversion of the Uterus
Sub Topic: Obstetrical Shock
Sub Topic: Thrombo Embolic disorders (superficial vein thrombosis, Deep vein thrombosis, Amniotic Fluid Embolism, HELLP Syndrome, Pulmonary Embolism, DIC )
Sub Topic: Vulval Heamatoma

Abnormal Puerperium

Sub Topic: Breast Complications
Sub Topic: Urinary Complications
Sub Topic: Puerperal Pyrexia
Sub Topic: Puerperal Sepsis
Sub Topic: Psychological disorders 

Paediatrics II

Sub Topic: Heamorragic disease of the new born
Sub Topic: Anaemia
Sub Topic: Convulsions in the new Born
Sub Topic: Congenital abnormalities (GIT, genito urinary, cardiovascular, CNS, musculo – skeletal)
Sub Topic: Neonatal infections
Sub Topic: Ophthalmia Neonatorum
Sub Topic: Pemphigus Neonatorum
Sub Topic: Oral candidiasis
Sub Topic: Septicaemia
Sub Topic: Meningitis
Sub Topic: Tetanus
Sub Topic: Paronychia
Sub Topic: Urinary tract infection
Sub Topic: Pneumonia
Sub Topic: Gastro enteritis
Sub Topic: Malaria
Sub Topic: Neonatal Jaundice
Sub Topic: Nutrition
Sub Topic: Assessment of nutritional status of children
Sub Topic: Nutritional disorders in children

Topic: Integrated Management of Childhood illnesses (IMCI)

SubtopicIMCI strategy in health care
SubtopicGeneral danger signs
SubtopicAssess and classify a sick child 2 months to 5 years
SubtopicTreat the Child
SubtopicAssess and classify a sick young infant 0-2 months
SubtopicManage HIV/AIDS using IMCI approach


Health Services Management

Topic: Management

Subtopic: Introduction to Health Service Management.
Subtopic : Management theories and Styles
Subtopic: Principles of Management
Subtopic: Basics of Health economics
Subtopic: Levels and Functions of Management

Subtopic : Human resource management
Subtopic:  Human Resource Planning
Subtopic : Staff recruitment process

Subtopic : Financial managementBudgeting and Accountability
Subtopic : Management of equipment and supplies
Subtopic: Transport management.
Subtopic : Management of Infrastructure
Subtopic : Integrated disease response and surveillance
Subtopic : Key government policies(Uganda Healthcare System)

Topic: Leadership

Subtopic : Introduction, Kinds, Power and Authority.
Subtopic : Leadership theories
Subtopic : Team process
Subtopic : Styles of leadership
Subtopic : Staff Delegation
Subtopic: Conflict and conflict resolution
Subtopic : Negotiation Skills
Subtopic: Support Supervision

Sub Topic: Human Resource Management

  • Delegation
  • Staff Motivation
  • Appraisal
  • Team Building
  • Conflict resolution
  • Interpersonal Relationships
  • Disciplinary Standards and decisions
  • Quality Control Measures
  • Meetings
  • Records

Sub Topic: Management roles in a health facility
Sub Topic: Decision-making and critical thinking
Sub Topic: Communication in health care
Sub Topic: Customer care
Sub Topic: Public relations in health service delivery
Sub Topic: Management of health facility resources
Sub Topic: Financial Management

  • Budgeting
  • Accountability
  • Finance Records
  • Management of Petty cash
  • Sources of Funding

Sub Topic: Management of Assets, Equipment and Supplies

  • Inventory and Stock control
  • Requisition Procedures
  • Procurement
  • Rational use of supplies
  • Health centre asset maintenance
  • Ground maintenance

Sub Topic: Health Information management System

  •  Concept of HIMS
  •  Types of HIMS records
  • Procedures in maintaining HIMS


Topic: Concept of entrepreneurship

Subtopic : Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Subtopic: Entrepreneur as a Manager and Entrepreneurial Process
Subtopic: Small business in the economy
Subtopic : Entrepreneurship Skills

Topic: Creating entrepreneurial small business

Subtopic: Business idea and Opportunity
Subtopic: Types of Business Enterprises

Subtopic: Setting up of a business

  • Market survey
  • Costing
  • Taxation
  • Customer care
  • Branding
  • Marketing
  • Quality service delivery

Sub Topic: Process of Entrepreneurship development
Sub Topic: Entrepreneurship resources
Sub Topic: Entrepreneurship and social responsibility
Sub Topic: Success and Failure
Sub Topic: Business sustainability and growth
Sub Topic: Monitoring and Evaluating a business
SubtopicBusiness or Business Enterprise
SubtopicBusiness planning
SubtopicSuccessful strategies for small business
SubtopicStart-ups and franchises (Permits/license)
SubtopicBuying an existing business
SubtopicForming and protecting a business

Topic: Managing people and resources

SubtopicCustomer Care
SubtopicMoney matters for small business
SubtopicBusiness exits and realizing value

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