Certificate In Midwifery

Anatomy & physiology l & First aid

 Anatomy & Physiology 1

Sub Topic: Terms used in Anatomy and Physiology
Sub Topic: Human body organization
Sub Topic: Atoms, molecules and compounds
Sub Topic: Cell structure and function
Sub Topic: Tissue structure and function
Sub Topic: Blood and its composition
Sub Topic: Cardiovascular system
Sub Topic: Lymphatic system
Sub Topic: Digestive system
Sub Topic: Skeletal system
Sub Topic: Muscular system

First Aid

Sub Topic: Principles of First Aid
Sub Topic: Components of a First Aid Kit
Sub Topic: Life threatening conditions
Sub Topic: Personal protection during first aid
Sub Topic: First aid in medical emergencies
Sub Topic: Injuries and Trauma

Foundations of nursing l

Sub Topic: History of Nursing
Sub Topic: Code of conduct for Nurses
Sub Topic: Principles of professional ethics and etiquette
Sub Topic: Patient’s rights
Sub Topic: Nurses’ rights
Sub Topic: Nursing and the law
Sub Topic: Nursing standards and qualities of a nurse
Sub Topic: General principles and rules of all nursing procedures
Sub Topic: Hospital economy
Sub Topic: Use of personal protective equipment
Sub Topic: Routine and weekly cleaning of the ward
Sub Topic: Waste management and disposal
Sub Topic: Isolation of infectious patients
Sub Topic: Causes of infection
Sub Topic: Medical Waste management
Sub Topic: Cleaning methods
Sub Topic: feeding of patients
Sub Topic: bladder and bowel care
Sub Topic: Passing a flatus tube
Sub Topic: Administration of enemata
Sub Topic: Ward Report
Sub Topic: Lifting/positioning a patient
Sub Topic: Tepid sponging
Sub Topic: General principles in patient care
Sub Topic: Ethics in nursing care
Sub Topic: Principles of Infection prevention and control
Sub Topic: Body mechanics
Sub Topic: Bed making
Sub Topic: Vital observations
Sub Topic: Bed bath
Sub Topic: Oral care/mouth care
Sub Topic: Care and treatment of pressure areas


Sub Topic: Concepts of Microbiology
Sub Topic: Classification and types of Microorganisms
Sub Topic: Pathogenic microorganisms
Sub Topic: Normal flora
Sub Topic: Characteristics and mode of spread of disease causing Microorganisms
Sub Topic: Pathological effects of microorganisms
Sub Topic: Simple laboratory tests
Sub Topic: Infection prevention and control
Sub Topic: Introduction to Immunity
Sub Topic: Antibodies
Sub Topic: Principles of immunization

Personal and communal health

Topic:  Concepts of personal and communal

Sub Topic: Determinants of Health
Sub Topic: Dimensions of Health
Sub Topic: Personal Hygiene
Sub Topic: Introduction to personal hygiene
Sub Topic: Cleanliness of skin and its appendages
Sub Topic: Cleanliness of the inside of the body
Sub Topic: Special groups in personal hygiene
Sub Topic: Clothing and foot wear

Topic: Concepts in communicable diseases

Sub Topic: Disease causation and prevention
Sub Topic: Disease transmission cycle
Sub Topic: Levels of disease prevention
Sub Topic: Introduction to environmental hygiene/sanitation
Sub Topic: Housing
Sub Topic: Ventilation heating and lighting
Sub Topic: Safe water supply
Sub Topic: Food hygiene
Sub Topic: Sanitation

Anatomy & Physiology II

Sub Topic: The Respiratory system
Sub Topic: The Urinary System
Sub Topic: The Endocrine system
Sub Topic: The Nervous system
Sub Topic: Organs of Special Senses
Sub Topic: The Reproductive system

Foundations of nursing ll

Topic: Specialized nursing care

Sub Topic: Wound dressing
Sub Topic: Abdominis Paracentesis (Abdominal Tapping)
Sub Topic: Vulva Toilet /Swabbing
Sub Topic: Oxygen Administration
Sub Topic: Lumbar Puncture
Sub Topic: Nasogastric tube to feed patients
Sub Topic: Gastrostomy Feeding
Sub Topic: Gastric Lavage
Sub Topic: Catheterization
Sub Topic: Tracheostomy Care
Sub Topic: Care of patients on traction
Sub Topic: Prepare for application of orthopedic splints
Sub Topic: Bandaging
Sub Topic: Nursing Process
Sub Topic: Take history of the patient
Sub Topic: Perform Physical examination of the patient
Sub Topic: Making a Nursing care plan
Sub Topic: Admission of a patient
Sub Topic:  Drug Administration
Sub Topic: Transfer patients
Sub Topic: Discharge of patients
Sub Topic: Last Office

Sociology and psychology

Sub Topic:  Definitions of terms used in Sociology
Sub Topic: Human groups and their effects on man
Sub Topic: Culture, beliefs and practices in relation to health
Sub Topic: Socio-cultural factors influencing the behaviour of an individual
Sub Topic: Socialization
Sub Topic: Social aspects of diseases
Sub Topic: Social aspects of hospitalization
Sub Topic: Urbanization and delivery of health services
Sub Topic: Nurse-patient relationship
Sub Topic: Concepts of Psychology
Sub Topic: Psychological Development
Sub Topic: Personality
Sub Topic: Psychological aspects in nursing care of patients
Sub Topic: Mental Defense Mechanisms
Sub Topic: Stress and Stressors
Sub Topic: Emotions

Primary Health Care

Sub Topic: Introduction to Primary health care
Sub TopicConcepts of Primary Health Care
Sub TopicPrinciples, Pillars and components/ elements of
Primary Health Care
Sub Topic: Community participation
Sub TopicCommunity organization
Sub TopicCommunity Mobilization
Sub TopicCommunity empowerment
Sub TopicCommunity entry
Sub TopicCarry out community survey and assessment
Sub Topic: Home visiting
Sub Topic: Conduct community feedback meetings

Midwifery l

Topic: Introduction to Midwifery

Sub TopicTerminologies
Sub Topic: Normal pregnancy

Sub TopicAntenatal care
Sub TopicHealth education during Antenatal
Sub TopicLabour
Sub TopicNormal first stage of labour

Sub Topic: Normal second stage of labour. 

Sub Topic: Normal third stage of labour

Sub TopicNormal Puerperium

Pharmacology l

Sub Topic: Terms used in Pharmacology
Sub Topic: Sources and preparation of Medicines
Sub Topic: Concepts of Essential Drugs and Rational Medicine use.
Sub Topic: Classification of Medicines & Schedule of controlled substances
Sub Topic: Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamics

Pediatric nursing 1

Sub Topic: Immediate and routine care of the new born
Sub Topic: Characteristic features of a newborn
Sub Topic: Care of the new born
Sub Topic: Child growth and development
Sub Topic: Breastfeeding and its effects on child growth and development
Sub Topic: Asphyxia neonatorum
Sub Topic: Low birth weight babies
Sub Topic: IMCI
Sub Topic: Neonatal infections
Sub Topic: Jaundice

Palliative care nursing

Sub Topic: Principles of palliative care
Sub TopicImportance of Palliative care
Sub TopicRoles of palliative care
Sub TopicAttributes of palliative care
Sub Topic: Communication/ Preparation of the family to make important decisions
Sub TopicConcepts of hospice and palliative care
Sub Topic: Pain management in palliative care
Sub TopicPalliative care emergencies
Sub TopicManagement of common symptoms in Palliative care
Sub TopicSymptoms of terminally ill patients
Sub TopicEthics of at the end of life and legal issues
Sub TopicTerminal care
Sub TopicPsychosocial support to terminally ill patients

Midwifery ll

Topic: Abnormal pregnancy, labor and puerperium

Sub Topic:  Bleeding in early pregnancy
Sub Topic: Bleeding in late pregnancy
Sub Topic: Medical disorders during pregnancy
Sub Topic: Malpresentations/malpositions
Sub Topic: Prolonged pregnancy
Sub Topic: Prolonged labor
Sub Topic: Obstetrical operations
Sub Topic: Assisted deliveries
Sub Topic: Abnormal 3rd stage
Sub Topic: Abnormal puerperium
Sub Topic: Obstetrical emergencies

Tropical medicine

Sub Topic: Introduction to communicable diseases
Sub Topic: Measles
Sub Topic: Malaria
Sub Topic: Trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness)
Sub Topic: Helminthic diseases (Intestinal worms)
Sub Topic: Onchocerciasis (River blindness)
Sub Topic: Schistosomiasis
Sub Topic: Elephantiasis (Bancroftian Filariasis)
Sub Topic: Dracunculosis (Guinea worm)
Sub Topic: Typhoid Fever
Sub Topic: Dysentery
Sub Topic: Cholera
Sub Topic: Brucellosis
Sub Topic: Ebola
Sub Topic: Yellow Fever
Sub Topic: Mumps (Parotiditis)
Sub Topic: Chicken Pox
Sub Topic: Rabies

Paediatrics Nursing ll

Sub Topic: Birth injuries

  • cerebral damage
  • cephalo haematoma
  • erbs palsy
  • facial palsy
  • fractures
  • ruptured internal organs
  • caput succedenum
  • Klumpkes palsy

Sub Topic: Congenital abnormalities

  • GIT
  • Genito urinary
  • Cardiovascular
  • CNS

Sub Topic: Immunisation schedule
Sub Topic: The cold chain
Sub Topic: Assessment of nutritional status of children
Sub Topic: Nutritional disorders in children

Pharmacology ll

Sub Topic: Obstetric Pharmacology

Mental Health

Sub Topic: Concepts of mental health and mental illness
Sub TopicClassification of mental illnesses
Sub TopicEtiological factors of mental illness
Sub TopicGeneral signs and symptoms of mental illnesses
Sub TopicAssessment of the mentally ill
Sub Topic: Common mental/ psychiatric conditions in midwifery practice

Guidance and Counselling

Sub Topic: Communication in guidance and counselling
Sub Topic: Group communication dynamics
Sub Topic: Guidance and counselling processes
Sub Topic: Ethical codes in counselling

Health Service Management

Sub Topic: Principles of management
Sub Topic: Leadership in Healthcare delivery
Sub Topic: Staffing and staff development
Sub Topic: Motivation
Sub Topic: Delegation
Sub Topic: Conflict resolution
Sub Topic: Team Building
Sub Topic: Decision-making and critical thinking
Sub Topic: Communication in health care
Sub Topic: Customer care
Sub Topic: Budgeting
Sub Topic: Management of petty cash
Sub Topic: Health information management system


Sub Topic: Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Sub Topic: Entrepreneurship skills
Sub Topic: Setting up a Business
Sub Topic: Entrepreneurship and social responsibility
Sub Topic: Types of business enterprises
Sub Topic: Business sustainability and growth
Sub Topic: Monitoring and evaluating a business

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