antenatal Care
Antenatal Care in Reproductive Health
 Antenatal Care in Reproductive Health Antenatal care; antenatal care is a planned program of medical management of pregnant  women directed towards making pregnancy, labour a safe and satisfying experience. The...
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delays in Safe Motherhood
DELAYS IN SAFE MOTHERHOOD DELAYS IN SAFE MOTHERHOOD MEANS DEATH Many women die due to delay at several levels while seeking medical help. The community and health workers must work hand in hand to prevent...
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Obstetrical Emergencies
Obstetrical Emergencies
Obstetrical Emergencies Obstetrical Emergency is the situation when the life of the mother or baby is in danger of death and something must  be done quickly to save lives. There is a need for the midwife...
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High Risk Pregnancies
High Risk Pregnancies
High Risk Pregnancies High Risk Pregnancy  is the pregnancy that is likely to end up with complications, death of the mother or  baby or both and the mother must be cared for or delivered from a well-equipped...
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