midwives revision in exams question approach for nursing and midwifery exams uganda
Question Approach
Guide to the Question Approach for Midwifery Exams It is important for midwives preparing for the exam to be able to answer questions effectively. This approach allows you to tackle questions in a systematic...
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Anaemia in pregnancy
Anaemia in Pregnancy
Anaemia In Pregnancy Anaemia means a reduction in oxygen carrying capacity or in quantity of red blood cells. This may be due to:>   A reduction in number of the red blood cells>   A low concentration...
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Normal First stage of labour
Normal First Stage Of Labour
Normal First Stage of Labour PHYSIOLOGY OF FIRST STAGE OF LABOUR: UTERINE ACTION Fundal dominance;Each uterine contraction starts from the fundus near the cornua and spreads across and down wards.The...
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Labour Labour is described as the process by which the fetus, placenta and membranes are expelled through the birth canal after 28 weeks of gestation.ORLabour is defined as rhythmic contraction and relaxation...
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